Get it done by a qualified dermatologist (skin specialist) only. Never get it done from a saloon, ayurvedic, homeopathic practitioner or a dentist: Getting it done by any of the above is like asking for a South Indian food at a Chinese restaurant.
Always get it done by doctor using US- FDA approved laser: Market is full of Chinese lasers. Stay steer away from them. Difference between results of treatment done by Chinese lasers and US FDA approved lasers can be understood by equating them to difference between pics clicked from 2000 rs. smart phone verses a pic clicked by DSRL camera.
Always get it done under direct doctor supervision and never by compounder with no doctor around: Famous commercial laser centers chain, lasers are always done by compounder with no doctors around. Would you get your surgery done by a compounder and not by a doctor? Then why a laser?
Never get it done on very soft hair which is hardly visible after bleach. Laser hair reduction is only meant for moderately thick to very thick hair and never to be done on areas where one doesn’t have hair. Else hair would start coming there.
- Once the desired results are achieved post 6 to 8 laser sessions, once a year maintenance sessions are required to maintain the reduction achieved: One would always be hair free, by getting one session once a year .This ensures that one never reverts back to from where one started for it kills any new hair roots which skin would have regenerated in due course.