Hand Care - Dr Anvika

Hand Care

Rough dry hands, is not something one would love to have. Getting rid of them is equally easy, by following the below mentioned measures.

  1. Never use the SLS containing soaps for hand wash. Ditch all soap like -Dettol, Lifeboy, Lux, Cinthol , Godrej, Vivel for they all contain SLS . Washing hands with them is equivalent to washing hands with a detergent. It’s bound to leave them rough and dry. Switch to milder SLS free soaps like- Dove or Cetaphil cleansing lotion. 
  2. Keep a moisturizer at washbasin itself. And apply it every time one washes hand. Soaps and water rip skin of it’s natural moisturizer and oil leaving it dry. Thus, applying a moisturizer is important. Also, because hands and feet naturally lack oil glands in skin , which is responsible for keeping skin hydrated it’s all the more important to apply a moisturizer on hand. 
Apply flax seed oil or castor oil at night. Flax seeds contain omega fatty acids, which hydrates skin deeply. Applying it before going to bed would do wonders for your hands.
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